Welcome to the 26th Annual Graduate Research Conference (GRC), to be held on March 21-22, 2019 at the Wu Conference Centre, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.As a multi-disciplinary conference, there is something for everybody at the 2019 GRC. The conference is open for all students and public to attend and there is no registration required or fee. Hope to see you there!
The Graduate Research Conference (GRC) is a conference designed for graduate students, by the Graduate Students Association (GSA). It provides an opportunity for students from different faculties and departments to come together and share their ideas. The mandate of the GRC is to provide a forum for graduate students to present their research in a supportive environment, gain presentation skills, and develop links with the greater graduate community.
History of GRC
The Graduate Research Conference has been an annual tradition for the past 24 years. The GRC has welcomed prominent keynote speakers over the years and is a popular event among all UNB students.
Below you will some information about previous conferences.
Lapskahasit Cihkonagc, Nancy Harn, Stel Raven and Jenny Rowett
Title of Keynote Panel: “Research for Piluwitahasuwawsuwakon: A sharing circle with Ntutemok.”
When: March 21st 2019
Time: 9:30 – 10:30
Location: UNB Fredericton Campus (Wu Center – Aitken Room)
Description: This Sharing Circle will provide an opportunity for Ntutemok to share experiences of decolonizing research practices while providing recommendations for Piluwitahasuwawsuwakon as research findings are utilized to affect change in various spaces.
- Ntutemok is a Wolastoqey word meaning my friends who are helping me/co-researchers
- Piluwitahasuwawsuwakon is a Wolastoqey word meaning actions toward truth
26th Annual Graduate Research Conference
March 21st, 2019

3MT – 3 Minute Thesis
The UNB School of Graduate Studies is hosting the second Annual 3 Minute Thesis competition in partnership with the Graduate Research Conference on March 22, 2018.
Students must be registered in a Master’s or PhD program, be in good standing, and have made substantial progress on their research and analysis.
Presentations must be based on the primary research the student has conducted in his/her graduate program.
Students who have already defended their thesis but have not yet graduated are eligible.
Students in course-based programs, visiting students, exchange students, and students on leave are not eligible.
Students must present in person, agree to be photographed and video-taped, and allow the recordings to be made public.
UNB’s Media Lab has granted us permission to share with you the following document to help you in your creation and development of your poster. This can facilitate your process once you decide to print your poster.
UNB’s Media Lab is also providing a 20% Discount to students printing their 26th Graduate Research Conference posters at their location. ( Marshall d’Avray Hall, Room 234)
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at grc@unbgsa.ca
UNB Graduate Student Association 676 Windsor Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5A3
+1 506-453-4700