GRC 2016

The 23rd Annual Graduate Research Conference 2016 was held on April 22, 2016, at Head Hall.

We had great participation from members, including over 30 oral and poster presentations. We were fortunate to welcome Dr. Dhirendra Shukla from the Chair of the Technology and Management Entrepreneurship (TME) department giving the keynote address and Prof. Jennifer Andrews from the English Department giving the closing address.

2016 GRC Winners

Science and Engineering

1st Place: Maria Davis
2nd Place: Josiah Matthews:

Social Sciences and Humanities

1st Place: Junot Castelyn
2nd Place: Rebecca Ward

Best Graduate Poster

Alaeldin Suliman


  • UNB Graduate Student Association 676 Windsor Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5A3


  • +1 506-453-4700